All StepJockey Smart Signs can be read by our Apple, Android and BlackBerry apps.
You should have signs on each floor of your stairwell, so that people travelling to and from any floor can use StepJockey.
If you are using our free paper Smart Signs, just scan the QR code at the start and finish of your climb to record your climb. You don't have to scan every sign - just the signs at the start and end of your journey.
Our paid-for (and very beautiful) acrylic glass Smart Signs also include a "contactless" NFC tag. Currently, the latest Apple devices have NFC technology but don't support it for many uses. If you are using our Android app - and have the NFC function on your phone switched on - this will allow you to simply tap the signs at the start and finish of your climbs rather than scanning the QR code.
Find out about how to check your phone's NFC is switched on.